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Health, Safety, and Environment Management

Image by Mufid Majnun

How we choose to conduct our business determines our business's sustainability - the continued capacity to make a change to our customers' wellbeing.


We believe that only by doing the right thing in the health, safety, and environment aspects could we retain and expand on our continued capacity as a business.

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management

We run Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) annually to audit our practices and reassess what we can do better to manage waste and minimize pollution to the environment.


When it comes to industrial waste disposal, we hire qualified and specialized waste disposal company to collect and treat the waste.


VTR, KSM Group's wholly owned subsidiary, supports KSM Group's Health, Safety, and Environment Management Policy. VTR is audited and certified for ISO 14001:2015 Engineering Turnkey Manufacturer of Industrial Noise Control Products.

ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety

We practice Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control (HIRAC) at our workspace to manage health and safety risks posed by the equipment, environment, and operational requirement.


To foster a zero lost time injury (LTI) and safe workplace, we perform safety inspections on tools and equipment, on a monthly and quarterly basis. For tools that we use more frequently, so is the inspection cadence.


That aside, we take communicating safety-related action plan and policies seriously. Our safety committee meets quarterly to check in on health and safety-related issues to align best practices with our crew.


Our emergency preparedness and response plan helps us to be ready for the worst. We organize fire and flood drills on a regular basis.


Management of the Covid-19 Pandemic

On top of observing the standard operating procedures to curb the spread of the Covid-19, we procure self testing kits for our employees to check their status frequently and conveniently. Carbon dioxide measurement machine has been installed to monitor the area's ventilation.


VTR, KSM Group's wholly owned subsidiary, supports KSM Group's Health, Safety, and Environment Management Policy. VTR is audited and certified for ISO 45001:2018 Engineering Turnkey Manufacturer of Industrial Noise Control Products.


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